
一昨日は #ハチマルミーティング という旧車マニアが集うイベントに参加してきました!場所は富士スピードウェイ!
いつもお世話になっている #タニムラオート さんとのコラボ出展で、CAR WASH JAPANとしては初のイベント出展となりました。
初めてのことばかりで不安も大きかったんですが、予想外に多くの皆様よりご好評をいただき、行列を作ることもあり、終始嬉しい悲鳴をあげながら過ごさせていただきました!ご来場いただいた皆様、本当にありがとうございましたm(_ _)m




Day before yesterday I participated in an event called “Hachimaru Meeting”. Old car enthusiasts gather there. The place is Fuji Speedway!
It was a collaboration exhibition with Tanimura Auto.
More people than I expected, there was a line waiting for my explanation. It’s busy, but it’s a happy scream from beginning to end. Thank you very much to everyone who came.

I was also happy to be able to interact with many customers directly at the store this time. And the staff of Tanimura Auto also helped a lot.
I would also like to thank our staff for cooperating with the event.

Although our shop is still unfinished, we want to grow as a brand that will make everyone involved, such as customers, staff, friends, business partners, suppliers, etc. happy!
I got a lot of happy power from everyone, so I will do my best ~ (^^)
#carwash #carwashjapan #hachimarumeeting #oldcarshow #洗車好きな人と繋がりたい #車好きな人と繋がりたい #カーウォッシュジャパン #ハチマルミーティング #neoglasscoat #ネオグラスコート